Friday, March 25, 2016

Reading Week at my School

       This week, we had Reading Week! It was so fun, it felt like the best reading week in my life! So, on Sunday, it was Hat Day, and we get to wear crazy hats! I wore a sort-of-kind-of-like-a cowboy hat. Haha, I don't know if it even makes sense! 
       Then on Monday, it was twin day! Well, not exactly. You don't have to be TWINS. You can be triplets or quadruplets or quintuplets or... I don't know! Basically, you just plan with a friend or two or more to wear the same clothes. I was twins with my best friend, Michelle! We wore a red shirt, a white cardigan, black leggings, a white hair clip, and a green hair tie around our wrist! We were also the same nationality, so what a coincidence! Many people told us we really looked like twins!
       Tuesday was Tie Day, so we wore our dad's ties! Some people didn't wear a real tie, they just made it with paper. I wore a blue and red striped tie, with my matching blue outfit! 
       Wednesday was Pajama Day! I know some people spell pajama differently, but this is how I spell it. I wore the same pajamas I wore to the Girl Scouts sleepover, and you can see what I wore on my other blog post by scrolling down.
       Thursday was Book Character Day, but the fifth graders didn't participate. I'm in fifth grade, so including me. We had a science fair on that day, but I'll tell you that in another blog post. But if I were to participate, I would be Junie B., first grader. I loved to reading her books when I was in first grade. 
       Bonus News! We had a story-writing contest about a month ago, and I won an award on Thursday for writing the best story! Well, probably only in my class, but I won an award! It was the second book of Percy Jackson, and it had my name inside it! It was the best award I ever got. If you like my blog posts, then stay tuned in "" for more!

Do you have reading week in your school? If you do, comment down below!

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