Friday, February 12, 2016

February 12, 2016 Blog: 15-Minute Write

       Hello again, I will tell you about the interesting things about today. Same thing as before: start from the morning 'til the end.
       Not much happened in the morning really. In the morning, I woke up at 7:30 AM. I was the last one to wake up in my family. So, I looked at posts in Facebook and went downstairs to play with Play-Doh with my little sister. I just started playing with play-doh yesterday. The play-doh set that I have is the one where you can make ice creams and sundaes and all that. It's pretty interesting to me. I got it for Christmas, but I never really used it that much. That's pretty much all that happened in the morning. 
       At around 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM, my dad and I went to the Sports Park again to walk. I tracked how many steps would it take to walk 2.5 kilometers by using my S Health (yes, I own a Samsung phone), and I got 3,340+ steps! I don't really remember the EXACT number of steps I walked, so I just estimated the number of steps my dad and I walked. And again, I crossed the finish line before my dad did!
       That's pretty much the interesting things that happened to me today. If you are interested in my blogs, stay tuned in this site: "".

Do you play with play-doh or used to play with play-doh? If you did, comment down below!

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