Sunday, February 21, 2016

Interesting Stuff From Last Week and This Week

       It's been a while since I had made a post in this blog, but here I am writing one blog post now! Well, what I will write about is about some interesting things that happened last week and this week. 
       First of all, me and my friend Michelle is planning a sleepover! We have NEVER been to a sleepover, so it's going to be pretty exciting (I think). We planned out everything that we will do during the sleepover. I might type a blog post about our sleepover. That's basically it about that.
       Second of all, we had a four day weekend last week! Since I go to school in Yanbu, the weekends are on Fridays and Saturdays. So, my school that I attend had no school on Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday! It was a bit boring to me, the four-day weekend, but not too boring.
       Third of all, I made a Roblox account! If you don't know what Roblox is, you better check it out! Yes, it is for kids, but it has really cool games! My favorite games are Escape the iPhone Obby!, Speed Run 4, and Hide and Seek Extreme. All thanks to Pieperson50, Vurse, and Tim7775. 
       Last thing: I'm sick! I have a small cold, a lower back pain, and a little cough. I was absent on Monday and Thursday last week, so I only had 2 days of school last week! If you don't get why I only had 2 days of school last week, it's because none of us had school on Sunday, I was absent on Monday, went to school on Tuesday and Wednesday, but was absent on Thursday. Yes, I'm lucky, but it was boring. I had nothing to do but rest.
       Make a blog post ASAP! (as soon as possible). If you like my blog posts, then stay tuned at ""
Have you ever been to a sleepover? Do you have four-day weekends at your school? Do you have a Roblox account? Comment down below!

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Valentine's Day Dinner

       Happy Valentine's Day! If you don't celebrate that holiday, forget I said it. Anyways, my dad treated us to go to Fuddruckers. The food was soo yummy! It's not my first time eating there, but the food I ordered was probably the best meal I ever ate there. 
       I ordered a Fish Fillet Meal (I'm not sure if that's what it's called, but something related to that). I also took a small veggie salad. In my salad, I only had pickles, lettuce, and some creamed potatoes. And so we ate there. It was the BEST meal I have ever eaten at Fuddruckers. 
       That's pretty much it for now. I will type a blog post soon. If you like my blog posts, stay tuned at "".
Have you ever eaten at Fuddruckers? If yes, what is YOUR favorite meal at Fuddruckers? 

Friday, February 12, 2016

February 12, 2016 Blog: 15-Minute Write

       Hello again, I will tell you about the interesting things about today. Same thing as before: start from the morning 'til the end.
       Not much happened in the morning really. In the morning, I woke up at 7:30 AM. I was the last one to wake up in my family. So, I looked at posts in Facebook and went downstairs to play with Play-Doh with my little sister. I just started playing with play-doh yesterday. The play-doh set that I have is the one where you can make ice creams and sundaes and all that. It's pretty interesting to me. I got it for Christmas, but I never really used it that much. That's pretty much all that happened in the morning. 
       At around 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM, my dad and I went to the Sports Park again to walk. I tracked how many steps would it take to walk 2.5 kilometers by using my S Health (yes, I own a Samsung phone), and I got 3,340+ steps! I don't really remember the EXACT number of steps I walked, so I just estimated the number of steps my dad and I walked. And again, I crossed the finish line before my dad did!
       That's pretty much the interesting things that happened to me today. If you are interested in my blogs, stay tuned in this site: "".

Do you play with play-doh or used to play with play-doh? If you did, comment down below!

Thursday, February 11, 2016

My Short Autoiography

If you don't know me yet, I'll tell you some things about myself. Let's get started!
      My name is Cindale, and I am 11 years old. I am the second child in my family. I am from the Philippines, but I live in Yanbu, Saudi Arabia. I'm currently in 5th Grade, and I attend this school called "Yanbu International School" or "YIS". Now that the basic things are told, I will tell you a few more things about myself.
       The colors of the rainbow are my favorite colors. I have 2 sisters, and no brothers. My favorite book is "Maniac Magee" by Jerry Spinelli. I like Star Wars movies, especially the new movie, "Star Wars: The Force Awakens". It's just really cool, with lightsabers, jets, and a lot of other stuff. My favorite hobbies are baking, singing, and swimming. I don't really know how to bake, but I love to help my mom bake cakes, cookies, or cupcakes. I seriously LOVE to sing a lot. Plus, my voice is pretty good (hey, I'm no trying to brag here. Just saying). I usually swim in the Philippines, but I sometimes swim in Yanbu, too.
       My favorite holidays are Christmas, New Years Eve, and my birthday. Well, my birthday isn't really a holiday, but in my book, it is. I love to play instruments such as:

  • Piano
  • Recorder
  • Ukulele
  • Drums
In my spare time, I read books, play with my little sister, chat with my friends in Google Hangouts or Facebook Messenger, or clean my room. I sometimes watch movies, too.
       Well, that's basically the main things about me. If you want me to add some more things about me, comment down below and I will make another post about it when I DO have comments. 

My First Blog

       Hello, I am just going to tell you about some interesting stuff about what happened today. Well, it's not much, but it's just right for my very first blog.
       Let me start at the beginning of the day. At around 8:00 AM through 10:20 AM, we had a brownout at our house. I have no idea if other houses had a brownout, too. My little sister and I played a LOT together in our living room while the brownout was ongoing. I pretended to play some songs with my dad's guitar (pretended because I don't know how to play a guitar yet), played with Play-Doh, and I finished reading this book called "Maniac Magee" by Jerry Spinelli. You guys HAVE TO read that book, it's really good (in my opinion). I don't want to spoil the book for you, so instead, just read some reviews of the book.
       The other thing is that I watched a movie called "Holes". It was originated from the book "Holes" by Louis Sachar. I don't wanna spoil the movie for you either, so you guys should watch it, too. I read the book first, that's one important thing you should know about this part of the blog.
       Last thing I will tell you is my Sport Park walking experience. Well apparently, it's not my first time in there, but it's one of the best experiences in the park. I walked with my dad for 2.5 kilometers, and we met our really-close-family-friend of ours. My parents knew them before I was even born! So yeah, I listened to music while walking, rested when we were near to the end, took a few pictures of us at the park bench and walked all the way to the end. I was the first in my family to reach the end! It was the GREATEST experience in that park. If you were there, you'd understand.
       So yeah, that's basically the interesting things during my day. If you are interested in my blogs, stay tuned in ""

Did you read "Maniac Magee" by Jerry Spinelli? Or read/watched "Holes" by Louis Sachar? Comment down below!